
Cereals, pasta, flour, legumes

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Рис Бобы Сахар Кукуруза Соевые масла, кукурузное, рапсовое, подсолнечное. Фрукты
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Hom Mali Rice is exceptional fragrant rice because it can only be planted and harvested once a year. Rice grains with elongated shape, stretchy and not broken in half. Rice has a white colour and beautiful stretch, especially the natural jasmine scent when cooked. Even cooled, it retains high...
Красная чечевица (red split lentils) во многих странах считается символом богатства и удачи, поэтому её обязательно подают к праздничному столу. В отличие от зелёной и коричневой чечевицы она очень легко разваривается в пюре (10-15 минут)....
CountryRussia Russia RegionAltai region
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Наша компания осуществляет оптовую продажу фасоли и маша. Вся продукция свежего урожая, колибрована.
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As a leader of Polish market of gluten free and low-protein foods, Bezgluten have been struggling, since 2004, so that gluten intolerance, celiac disease and phenylketonuria would not prevent people from living a normal life. In thier own modern R & D laboratories a qualified...
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Кукурузная крупа — некалорийный продукт, это важно для детского питания. Способствует торможению процессов брожения в кишечнике. Лучшая кукуруза в России выращивается в Ставропольском крае, и именно оттуда мы получаем сырье для нашей фасовки.
CountryRussia Russia RegionVolgograd region
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- Broken: 100% max - Moisture: 14.5% max - Foreign matters: 0.2% max - Chalky kernel: 12% max - Damaged kernel: 1.75% max - Yellow kernel: 1.75% max - Red & red streak kernel: 2% max - Paddy grain: 22 grains/kg max    * Packing: 5-50kg PP bag/ 1-5kg...
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Grains, oil & Oil Seed, Pulses, Rice, Sugar, Dry Fruits & Nuts, Spices, Canned Foods and Specialty Products
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Calrose Rice - Grain Viet Nam is round, medium-grain rice with a short texture, beautiful glossy grain, and white. It becomes slightly soft and sticky when cooked, making it ideal for dishes such as sushi, soups, or salads. - Broken: 5% max  - Moisture: 14% max - Foreign matters: 0.1%...
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Black Rice has a black coloured bran layer due to its unique anthocyanin combination and these anthocyanins cause black rice to turn into a deep purple colour when cooked. Anthocyanin is the same anti-oxidant that gives eggplants, and blueberries its deep purple. Nutrition: Antioxidant...
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Beautifully hued and packed with nutrition, purple rice is an ancient heirloom rice with origins in Asia. Its grains are inky black in color when raw. As it cooks, the grains turn a deep iridescent purple. Purple rice usually has a higher iron content than brown rice. - Broken: 10% max  -...
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Овсяные хлопья от «Алейки» – настоящая находка для всей семьи. Теперь вкусный и полезный завтрак можно приготовить без лишних усилий за 3-5 минут. Ароматная овсяная каша передаст вам всю сохраненную пользу злака, его витамины и микроэлементы и зарядит энергией для будущих свершений.
CountryRussia Russia RegionAltai region
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Red Rice contains a variety of anthocyanins that give its bran a red/maroon colour. Anthocyanin is an anti-oxidant which protects our skin. Red rice has a earthy and beany flavour. Red rice is also very rich in essential nutrients, iron, vitamin, phosphorus and fiber. - Broken: 10% max -...
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Вес нетто - 50 г Объём - 250 мл Срок годности - 12 месяцев Условия хранения - Без особых требований
CountryRussia Russia RegionMoscow
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Viet Nam Jasmine Rice is high-quality perfumed rice with a big, lengthy, white kernel. Jasmine rice is grown in the Mekong Delta, characterized by its suppleness and slight aroma. When cooked for sticky, sweet, drained rice, especially it is still moist and delicious until the end of the crop....
Вес нетто - 50 г Объём - 250 мл Срок годности - 12 месяцев Условия хранения - Без особых требований
CountryRussia Russia RegionRepublic of Mordovia
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Camolino Rice or Medium Rice is a medium-grain, oval, pearl white rice. Unlike other types of rice, Camolino rice is soft, less sticky and spongy, when cooked has a distinctive flavour and aroma. Therefore, it is very suitable for dishes such as fried rice, cakes such as pancakes, rice paper...
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- Broken: 5% max - Moisture: 14% max - Foreign matters: 0.1% max - Chalky kernel: 3% max - Damaged kernel: 0.5% max - Yellow kernel: 0.5% max - Red & red streak kernel: 0.5% max - Paddy grain: 2 grains/kg max - Average length of grain: 5.8mm     *...
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