
软饮料: 茶、香草、咖啡、可可、果汁、水

Prover Brasil for Export Ltda . is a Brazilian Export Company established in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil since 2001 supplying in bulk, wholesale to the worldwide with the Best Brazilian Herbs, Extracts, Superfoods such as: Acai Powder Acerola Powders Camu Camu Powders Guarana...
Multivitamin multi-fruit juice partially from fruit juice concentrates Our multivitamin is a blend of delicious fruit and selected vitamins.
100% orange juice from orange juice concentrate Juicy sweet oranges are the secret of our popular orange juice. Oranges need time and that's why we make sure that our fruits so long on the tree ripen until they have the right sweetness. Not too much and not too little - just right. Only then...
Albi  200 ml juice comes with tomato juice, tomato juice concentrate, carrot, sauerkraut, red cabbage, red prayed, cucumber, peppers and lettuce juice, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Banana and Multivitamin juice. Our products and juice is a true gustatory symphony for all those who love the...
Сок алоэ для тех, кто следит за своим здоровьем и телом, это растение поможет сохранить прекрасные формы и линии, и отличную здоровую кожу, сохранить здоровье и молодость на долгие годы
俄罗斯地区伊尔库茨克州 国家俄罗斯
Refined blend of the finest Arabica coffee, with hints of jasmine and dried fruit.
Assam Teas are grown on plains at elevation ranging from 45 to 60 meters above sea level with an average rainfall of 350 cm which makes it unique. Assam Tea has a rich, deep-amber colour and is famous for its rich, full-bodied cup.  It is known for its brisk, strong and malty character,...
COCOA CAKE Natural cocoa cake Alkalized cocoa cake COCOA BUTTER Natural cocoa butter Deodorized cocoa butter COCOA MASS COCOA POWDER Natural cocoa powder Alkalized cocoa powder: Light brown alkalized cocoa powder Medium brown alkalized cocoa powder Dark...
BR Ingredients Offers to the worldwide market Specialty Coffees from Brazil providing Origin Coffees with distinct aromas and flavors, in various SCAA scale punctuation standards. We can offer excellent raw, roasted, ground roasted coffees, grown by traditional and old coffee producer families,...
Описание Вопросы Отзывы Контакты Напиток безалкогольный газированный Cool mix "Лесные ягоды" от компании "Читинские ключи", г. Чита. Объем - 1 литр. В упаковке - 9 литров. Состав: очищенная питьевая вода, сахар, регулятор кислотности (кислота лимонная),...
俄罗斯地区外贝加尔边疆区 国家俄罗斯
A blend of refined Arabica coffees in which the sweet notes of Brazilian coffees mix with unique floral hints typical of Central American origins, chocolate notes of the South-East-Asian coffees and enriched with precious spicy tones from Ethiopia Sidamo.
Что, если сок – это не просто напиток, а продукт, полезность которого подтверждена в аккредитованной лаборатории? Клеймы на упаковке – «Иммунитет», «Здоровое сердце» и «Пищеварение» обусловлены наличием того или иного витамина, микроэлемента природного происхождения или добавки в составе...
俄罗斯地区烫发区 国家俄罗斯
Darjeeling teas are grown on the Darjeeling hills at elevations ranging from 600 to 2000 meters above sea leveland a rainfall of 300 cm, which makes it very distinct from any other tea in the world.  Some of the teas produced here fetches more than US$ 200 per kilogram due to its distinct...
Энергетический напиток
俄罗斯地区伊尔库茨克州 国家俄罗斯
Acai Dry Extract -  Euterpe oleraceae Mart. Acerola Dry Extract -  Malpighia glabra Linné Camu Camu Dry Extract -  Myciaria dúbia H. B. K. Catuaba Dry Extract -  Trichilia catiguá A. Juss Guaraná Dry Extract -  Paullinia cupana Kunth Pau D´arco Dry...
Agaricus -  Agaricus blazei Murril Cat´s Claw -  Uncaria tomentosa D. C.  - Bark Catuaba -  Trichilia catigua Adr. Juss.-  Bark Espinheira Santa -  Maytenus ilicifolia -  Bark and stem Fava Tonka - Cumaru -  diptrex odorata Graviola...
1 00000 
Exclusive limited edition collection "The Moors of Sicily" designed by Alice Valenti, an internationally renowned artist and custodian of the ancient decorative art of Sicilian carts. The tin depicts "Il Moro" The Moor: bewitching, passionate, rebellious, he is the protagonist of the ancient...
1 00000 
Exclusive limited edition collection "The Moors of Sicily" designed by Alice Valenti, an internationally renowned artist and custodian of the ancient decorative art of the Sicilian cart. The tin depicts "The Maiden": beautiful, proud and vengeful, she is the protagonist of the ancient Sicilian...
Coffee in India is grown under a canopy of thick natural shade in ecologically sensitive regions of the Western and Eastern Ghats. This is one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world. Coffee contributes significantly to sustain the unique bio- diversity of the region and is also responsible...
Страна Бразилия, Уганда Состав Арабика Ростер для обжарки Roasting mashine Type IMS S120 (Ростер барабанного типа PROBAT) Сертификаты ЕАЭС № RU Д-RU.AE05.B.01427/20 Равномерная обжарка арабики различных сортов LALIBELA COFFEE EXPERT ARABICA удовлетворит вкусы самых требовательных...
俄罗斯地区斯摩棱斯克州 国家俄罗斯
Страна Бразилия, Уганда, Въетнам Состав Робуста Ростер для обжарки Roasting mashine Type IMS S120 (Ростер барабанного типа PROBAT) Сертификаты ЕАЭС № RU Д-RU.AE05.B.01427/20 Крепкий насыщенный вкус, полностью лишенный кислинки. Максимальное содержание кофеина. Оптимален для ценителей...
俄罗斯地区斯摩棱斯克州 国家俄罗斯
Страна Бразилия, Уганда, Въетнам Состав Бленд Арабики и Робусты Ростер для обжарки Roasting mashine Type IMS S120 (Ростер барабанного типа PROBAT) Сертификаты ЕАЭС № RU Д-RU.AE05.B.01427/20 Купаж кофейных зерен, созданный для использования преимущественно в вендинговых аппаратах,...
俄罗斯地区斯摩棱斯克州 国家俄罗斯
俄罗斯地区莫斯科地区 国家俄罗斯
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